Monday, February 19, 2007

My JList Wish List!

One can only LOVE JList ! They now got this great Wish List feature! So, today I am blogging my very own Wish List in the hope that my friends will think of me on those "special dates", ho ho!

Well, it's not new there, but only today I though about blogging it. It's really cool and can give you an idea of all the cool items they have on sale there! For example, now I think I really need those healing froggy eye masks... What else can be cooler, cuter and handier than that??


posted by Andrea Leite Marques at 8:09 PM


Blogger Monica said...

Oi Andrea! Conta pra mim o que vc já ganhou dessa lista? Demora muito pra chegar aqui na Irlanda?

4:33 PM  
Blogger Andrea Leite Marques said...

Oi Querida!
Aqui tudo bem! Desculpa, só peguei no blogue hoje!
Ainda nem gnahei nada da lista. Pra chegar aí deve levar uma semana, ou menos até!
Mil beijos,

9:53 PM  

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