Thursday, May 18, 2006

Mark and the sealion...

Just love this picture. Mark in the Lisbon Zoo being kissed by a sealion! Look at his/her moustaches... It bet it was a wee bit itchy, but I would just love to be kissed by one! Closest I got to that was to help removing a paper cup from a dolphin's mouth in Miami Seaquarium. It was great... A dolphin's skin must be the softest thing in the whole nature! And they know how to behave when they need help... Aaaaaaawwww...

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posted by Andrea Leite Marques at 10:28 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Portugal Pics Uploaded (Finally)


We have organised the pictures we took in Portugal last September, in case you wish to take a look. Unfortunately we did not write any captions for them, but there are some nice pictures. All the people appearing in the pics, in case you wonder, are my relatives, brother and sisters, nephews, grand-nephews, in-laws and so on. The dogs and cat are Honey the Yorkshire , Rita the Whippet, Xaninho the Cat, Boy the Labrador, and one dog that I had the pleasure to make acquaintance in Sintra. Don't know his name though, but he was a very polite dog that much liked soft cheese, but no toasts!

Here's the link:


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posted by Andrea Leite Marques at 9:32 PM 0 comments

Friday, October 21, 2005

Latest News

I should have blogged as soon as I arrived from Lisbon, but things have been quite hectic since then.

We departed on the September 13th and came back on the 27th. It was wonderful, we took lots of pictures and I finally met my sisters, brother and nieces, nephews, grand-nieces and grand-nephews, in-laws etc... And even the "latest addition" to the family, a super-cute great-grand-nephew! Yes, amazing! It was cool... We stayed with Betinha, my sister and godmother, and were out with her and Jana, her daughter (and my niece, of course). Betinha has 2 lovely pets: Honey (or "Hunny"), the little yorkshire terrier, and Xaninho, a lovely gray cat with big yellow eyes and a chronic allergy - which makes him sneeze quite a lot! I fell in love with Xaninho! Aw, so cute...

I will tell more in the next few days and hopefully organise the photos. We came back as I said on the 27th. However... The day after my arrival to Lisbon I woke up with a very, very bad cold. To shorten the story a bit, I still have this cold - which has actually been upgraded to a chest infection, naturally accompanied by all those nasty symptoms: sore throat, fevers, awful coughs, headaches, runny nose etc etc... You name it. Meaning I was at home for almost 3 weeks, unable to go to the office (or anywhere else, needless to say).

I gave some of this lovely cold of mine to my Mother and Mark, of course, but they are more resistant, gladly. In my case, everything gets worse due to my MS, which sort of "amplifies" all symptoms, it seems. But that's boring. I mean, I don't want to talk about it, since I already need to live with it. Somedays I do want to talk, some other days, I just want to forget. And today, I want to forget!

During this time, what I mostly did was reading: manga and serious books, as well as watching great DVD's. But that's stuff for another post, since now I am way too tired!
Good Night!

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posted by Andrea Leite Marques at 11:03 PM 1 comments